Unless something changed lately they're open 24/7 foooooool! There's only ourtside seating, like picinic tables, but it's still worth it.
Yep I do believe it's 24/7....though we don't *have* to have it late at night. As long as I don't have an opening coming up or a lot going on at the store I can sneak out early at least one night a month. Though if everyone else is okay with a later in the evening arrangement I'm sure Ed and Jenn might like to come and talk shop too. And since it's outdoor seating it'd be a good one to knock off the list before it gets too cold.
late to the party -- i have to thank mark n, kirby & whitney + the rotomafia crew for putting on such an incredible show once again. i wasn't able to meet all the artists and board members, but to the ones i met, thanks for a great evening -- mark k, gatchabert, toybot, damaged bryan (and your entire league of hot topics zombies ), legoomba, smiling whachamacallit idiot, mark n, steve, and aaron. the diversity of backgrounds and real-life/board personality differences were very shocking, to say the least. it seems like the two years since the first event simultaneously flew by and took forever. the wait for tk3 is already excruciating. photos from the event the tease line-up for tickets geo is the holder of ticket #001 line-up for exclusives kirby and his exclusives jeff's masks live music by dep circuit bending, theremin, the works! creepiness mongolion speaking of mongolion, our 100% white-as-white-can-be waitress at cleo's tried to relate to all the asian folks in the skullbrain crew by telling us that she has mongolian blood running through her veins, and that's why she is so good at taking pictures. did i get that story straight? leecifer does it again even tinier in person super customs shiny le merde and inflamed victims the details are nuts "i'll crush your head!" gatchabert's dorol and zag trying to hitch a ride nagata's neo eyezon are the perfect size drunken skullbrainers trying to do math identities hidden to protect the whachamacallits "hello my name is" stickers my attempt at "social networking" didn't pan out because i forgot to put them on the table. it was a fantastic evening! a huge thanks also to the spouses and significant others of skullbrainers, too you know who you are. chicago area skullbrain krew is now officially in session.
I'd rather have people see my eyes than you mention HT Yeah without understanding spouses collecting would be no fun. Our waitress was definently Mongolian and a bit off with that comment. But I laughed. Kirby as for dinner if the whole crew wants to come I think that would be awesome so I think we can all wait. I just want to make sure everyone else can make it too.
Why AM I smiling in that photo? Well, the real reason is because I was thinking about what Kirby had told me earlier: that whoever got Ticket No. 1 for TK2 was guaranteed Ticket No. 1 for TK3 and ALL subsequent Toy Karma shows no matter what time they showed up for those next shows! Ok, here is my chair and newspaper in front of the store before anyone else had arrived (I got there at a little after 6 am). I had coffee, pop, snacks, books, magazines, ibruprofen, etc., in my car parked directly across from the store in the secret parking-meter free spot. And here is my lifetime TK No. 1 ticket:
Congrats Kirby and Whitney on putting together another fantastic show! I was so bummed I couldn't be there again; my eleventh hour escape plan failed miserably. Looks like everyone had an awesome time, and the remodeled gallery looks amazing!
I was expecting you to be there after seeing Jason...then I remembered that you have a store to run now. I'll have to find some excuse to visit S7FL someday.
Thanks Scott...much appreciated! Hopefully we'll be able to visit Florida sometime next year. I need a vacation anyway!
I just wanted to throw out a big "sorry" to those I missed. I guess I didn't get to meet a few people, sorry. Also to the out-of-towners who went out on the town, sorry I couldn't hang. Babies, ya know! It was be a neglagant father/husband or hang out all night, duty called. Besides, I don't drink so I guess people think I'm boring (even though I usually get louder and more obnoxious than the drunk people once I hit my night time stride and challenge people to eating contests I can't win anymore.) I also realized how much I say "whachacallit" as well. Fucking midwest One more thing, for those who couldn't make it, a taste of true Chicago-area pride, Jan Terri: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZ94vnmvPrw