Kirkland got taller as the day progressed. It was a totally fun day. Thanks to everyone I met and hung out with. See you in two years.
I'm gonna hold yo u to that, cant wait to see it in your collection ! I'm stoked you liked him so much
I thought LASH was Jackie.... It was a great time and like, whachacallit, Rich, you missed out. I didn't buy anything for myself and, whachacallit, it was still like, whachacallit, a great place to be in, you know. The show was like, whachacallit, really great. Smoque was like, whachacallit, really good. If anyone goes to Chicago, they should like whachacallit, check out Smoque....whachacallit...
So Kirkland... Did you film a special Chicago Edition of TBTV??? Can't wait to see more pics! EDIT: Oh wait I guess you'd have to have your star reporter Alex for that!
Im guessing whachacllit was said a lot huh And yeah Bert I know I missed out please dont rub it in bastard !
we were going to start a drinking game in your honor....hahahaha. it seems like the more alcohol you consumed, the more you said whachacallit. but you know what Minh....I had a great time in Chicago.
Chicago was awesome. Thanks to Minh, Lisa, DamagedBryan and Legoomba for hanging out with us and eating the Three Little Piggies. TK2 was amazing. Kirby, Whitney, Jenn and Mark really put on a great show. getting to see and meet all the 'brainers local and from afar is always rad: Geo, Bloodrinker, wingclipper, ultra999, uhoh, joem500, prometheum5....even logang. I'm now convinced Minh is a vampire. he didn't sleep a wink the whole weekend, he can eat like a horse faster than any human (and I eat really fast) and he can drink like a fish. We stayed out until about 5am on Sun morning and I swear, I must have seen him put down a dozen pints of Guinness. Regardless how many times he says whatchacallit in a 30 second period, he's ok in my book. and we even witnessed a pretty cool girl who actually wanted to hang out with Bert....! are those wings on them pigs?
yeah, i've got a shit load of pics and some video. but nothing you haven't seen at this point. but I do have some pics of us checking out Millenium Park. Very cool....I like giant chrome jelly beans.
Any chance I could get some of your pics too Kirkland? I need them for a magazine article and I didn't get to take near enough at the opening. Mainly need crowd shots, people looking at the exhibits...that sort of thing.
First time I've ever shut down Chicago bars... And the first time I've ever shut down 2 bars. But yeah smiling idiot is a beast he could have probably gone another 24 hours. Plus you missed out on some under dog which had awesome fries.
Man, I would have loved to hang with you guys but I was beat and going on about 40 hours with no sleep by that point. I guess there's always TK3!
Susies Cheese Fries Mexican I also like any Asian food (trying bull penis soup soon, yeah!)
I vote for Susie's ... I haven't eaten there for probably 8 years, but I remember it distinctly. It. Was. Good.
Susie's looks good to me, my arteries should be slightly unclogged by the time that we go after the three little piggies. Are they open late enough that you and the Roto Crew can go Kirby? And who else is with us? Health be damned!