I think I can guarantee we'll be getting together Thur. night, last time me, Minh and his lady, Kirkland, and JR all got together at Silver Palm and had 3 little piggies. Fri, we get tickets and then drink and eat and be merry. And then we go out after. So I think a CASK get together will be inevitable.
well, if it's anything like the gargamel show, we won't be doing ANYTHING other than camping out on the front steps. (at least we won't be freezing our toes off this time!) after 11:30am or so, it's wide open... but don't worry. hijinx will be perpetrated, and hilarity will ensue. and more than likely, it will all happen around a beer. or seven. oooh, a thursday night outing? maybe leading into a debauched all-nighter? where do we sign up?
The show is on a saturday this time around. So does that ruin the thursday night idea? I plan to fly home friday the 9th.
i'm gonna try and catch kirby at the shop on the way home today... but i seem to remember him saying something about doing tickets for tk3. i could have been hallucinating at the time, though, as it was pretty late and we were standing out in the cold in front of patsy's.
I'll definitely be there! And I'm fairly certain the items will be available to locals first and then (probably the next day) available via internet.. All of the recent shows (with toys) have been like this which I appreciate a lot. As for line tickets, I am not sure of, but I'm guessing it will be a yes since this is a more popular event. Glad you are showing up Jesse! And I think Nate will try to make it out here for the show as well!
damnit, I keep forgetting it's on a Sat. Whatever, I'll drink and eat all weekend. So whatever everyone wants to do I'm down for.
I'm there no matter what. Got the time off set. Sept. shouldn't be too bad to camp out either in if it's attendee's first (won't say "locals first" since we get our fair share of out-of-towners dropping in for this.)
I am soooooooooooooooooo stoked for this!Gargamel was awsome and since I won't be on a leash this time I can come have a drink with you assholes maybe even for a few days straight
stupid me forgot that I had already bought tickets to a music festival here in portland that goes from the 7-11th. so turns out I wont be home for the opening... but if anyone want to go see portishead at the aragon in october, I should be home for that!
what?! you get us all excited with your talk of tk3, and now you're not coming for it? now chris is all sad...
bill is DEFINITELY an asshole... oh, wait... you mean this isn't a pm?! damnit! (just kidding bill... =p)
Noooooooo! Sorry to hear you won't be there for the TK3 opening Jesse.. However, when you do show up, we should try and put together another CASK get together. You are correct sir. When I said locals first, I was thinking of anyone who was there locally.. But "attendees first" makes much more sense.
This is in baby phases, as in the idea came to me, but everyone is going to be in town I was thinking we should do a trade meet on Friday. Or if you don't have anything to trade just come out. If anyone else thinks this is a good idea let me know, if not we can just get together as normal. I know most CASKer's, including myself are pretty dedicated to their collections.
midwest trade fest woot woot, I am down I'll find something to part with, not sure how much hate I'll evoke but how about a custom trade off, no matter how much you suck slap some googly eyes and gouche on a toy and bring it along or not just putting it out there
so I've been keeping an eye out for updates the site says more info coming soon but well at this point the show is soon, I remember details popping up waaaaaay earlier for the last one anybody with an inside track here any news on any exclusives/companies involved?
Zollmen's announced theirs. I like surprises so I hope as much as possible is kept under the radar for as long as possible. Maybe teases. But I know that Roto needs to get as many people as possible to show so I understand just letting all the cats out of the bag too to get the crowd. Gonna be fun!
Man I wish I could make this show. Hopefully will get my stuff done in plenty of time. Have fun folks and take pics!!