me? I don't even remember talking to you about TK3...I must be getting old I'll have a couple of drawings, I hope, at least one drawing for sure. Sadly (or happily for you guys), I won't be able to fly out this time. Has it been 2 years already?
Yeesh, no one is going to be at TK3 this year. As long as you guys are there in spirit. Looking forward to seeing everyone's stuff though.
I'm flying out for my best friends bachelor party which sadly aligns with this opening. But I will be visiting Sunday, miserably hung over.
So can someone give me the brief explanation as to how this works? People camp out in front of the gallery and are given first come first serve line tickets? So... what, are they let in one at a time? I'm clueless!
if it's running same as most shows you stand in line to get your ticket in the morning,if your the 3rd in line you get ticket 3, at the show kirby will call up all the peeps with tickets and you line back up in order,go through one at a time and buy your customs/exclusives in that order,once everyone has had a chance you go back through via #,also all the peeps that did not line up in the morning get # tickets when the show opens in order of arrival, also before everyone lines up there is time to scope out all the customs
hey everyone very excited to be part of this years toy karma show! this year Bad Applez INC. debuts with two one-offs of our Space Junk Destroyer resin figure Bad Applez INC TK3 Flyer by BadApplezINC, on Flickr more pics on our site
thats pretty bad ass. a lot going on. any close up pics of it? i'd like the bottom right hand one but won't be able to make it.
Been outside Roto since 4am and I'm 3rd in line. See some nice stuff in the windows. Neo Gorillas and Elegab and some sweet PK!
I was hoping to drive in for this ( 5 hours, not bad) but my stupid job is only letting a handful of people off for the weekend. So, maybe next time. I was hoping to see some of you guys in person! Say hello to the orange Greasebats for me! Jeff
I'll be trying to post updates on my tumblr since that's easier for me on the go. We had a sneak peek getting tix. Lots of cool stuff that should get some people excited!
I second that. As someone who can only enjoy these kinds of great exhibits through the virtue of the interweb, please post any and all pics you guys took of folks, toys, food, the line, whatever.
I posted a ton on my blog. And I'll have a full video up today. I hate to pimp out my crap like that but I'm lazy.
As I stated earlier I put some up on my tumblr DURING the event, not great pics but it's all I could do in the moment. To sum it up a bit, it was awesome as always. Great people, toys and some cookies too. The Neo Gorillas were great and I almost went for one but they were pricier than I'd like and I couldn't do it. I was close though. I went for “Amoeba Face” Salamander Joe, not my first choice but I didn't show up and wait at midnight like the guy who DID get it so I don't deserve it as much, that was some dedication. It's nicer in person then the pics I think. Clear pink head (you can look through his braaaains!) with a vintage-type blue body (similar to an early boss release) with some classy paint. Should go well with my HP Boss. It was really tempting to go through the line a second time and get the black "vader" Boss (I don't think it was named that but if I see a black toy with metallic blue and red paint I call it vader) or one of the Neo Gorilla's but I gotta practice SOME restraint. The pre-event meet up was fun too. I ate so much meat.
Cirtrus Boss was my purchase for the night. My brother picked up the Black Joe from PK. I thought it was the best piece in the show, such an awesome paint job There was a ton of good pieces left when I left last night, the Gorillaju's were really amazing I think there is one left. Elegab had a 1 off King Smog and Mr. X (both still available I believe) here's some crap cell phone pics also...