here's my digital preview... more to come once i get the film developed and scanned! all in all, it was an awesome show, and i'm so glad i finally got my hands on a little bit of paul kaiju! (i managed to snag that mini boss carrion... STOKED!)
^^ Thanks guys. I saw their name on the "participating artists" & the exclusive figure lists on the gallery home page & was hoping to see some 1-offs.
Oh good, glad they were a hit. There was so much good stuff though, with the zollmen releases and all the other one-offs and exclusives, I was worried that the micro run would be too much.
I'm so bummed out my car broke down, 2 days before the show... I really wanted that black, red, and tan Joe... I was hoping that it might make it to internet sales, but I guess my grapes are just a little to sour for my own taste right now... Nice Boss pick up EBIII I really like the blue, black, and pink one myself... One of these days PK needs to quit his dayjob, so we can all get in on the fun...
Those Cadaver Kids are sexy. I hadn't really been paying attention, but now I want one really bad. I have to save my meager toy budget for a bit. I hope there are more coming. Also thanks for the video and all the pix. Looks like it was an awesome show.
Amazing work all round, but this Rooster Man really does it for me. Great snaps, Ultra999. Thanks for sharing.