Thanks so much @treblekicker I always need to ask when I see something I haven't seen before. Great score!
more info here on vinyl pulse, i also regret missing them!
I picked up one of these guys back in the day. img_3892_crop And yes, he has a big unit. Spoiler img_3893
Don't know how I missed this thread till now, but I did. Thanks so much for posting all these pics. that first larger descrpition of Bunyan the ox sounds about right. Arne sculpted and did hand rotocasting of this, and did a stellar job.
I've got this original painting that I bought at a show in NYC in 2008 from Bwana. It features Edward asleep (and drunk?). I like how you can see Steven in Edward's dream. I guess it shows the end of a day like the one he spent trying to catch butterflies shown in this one from the "Welcome to Forest Island" book And also a similar theme as the one on the inside of one of the Steven toy boxes: Some questions for the forum: 1. Do you have any original paintings that feature Steven & Edward together? And would you be interested in selling? 2. Do you think Bwana would be open to doing commission work that includes the two of them? 3. I could swear that the image in the link above is cropped and that the full image includes Steven trying to escape Edward's net. Anyone have a link to the full image? Thanks!
They don't get much friendlier than Bwana Spoons. He would most likely be interested painting up a commission with Steven & Edward taking on some adventures for ya why don't you ask?
I grabbed a blind bag at Dcon this year, and got a Quiller. While I was hoping for an Aqualox, I love the Quiller figure. When Bwana offered the remaining blind bags online, I went for it and managed to grab another Quiller. Haha.
@amc3 Google tells me that image from vinylpulse is from the "Welcome to Forest Island" book from Top Shelf. I can look at my copy tonight and see if there is a larger image inside, but based on the dimensions I think it's the full image. BTW, if you don't have a copy, even though Top Shelf says sold out, it's pretty easy to find.
I got a few bags after the Con and was really happy with my pulls. Super stoked on the Golden Lonny ticket! The Palo Don is gorgeous and a VERY welcome surprise. The Quiller was my first choice of figures, the purple lame vinyl is awesome. Speaking of, I love the Aqualox but if anyone got a Hooligan they either want to sell or trade for Aqualox, I'm your guy.
Oh thanks. But I already have the book and know that the image is on the cover. I have this memory of seeing it with more of the background and hills somewhere else though....
Wow! You win. Haha. If anyone would rather have a Quiller than the Aqualox for their Hooligan, give a shout and we can get a three way trade going.
Here are my guys from DCon. I pulled an Ugly Stardust and won a Golden Lonny on the Friday. I was Winner No.1 apparently. YES!! WOOHOO! Anyway, these dudes are fun. Ugly stands like a giant among the other Suns. (I also learned I was incorrectly tagging pics with "sonsofbrodarr" instead of "sunsofbrodarr". Whoops.)
Looks like Bwana still has 4 blind bags in the webshop
The Lonny is so good. The gold accents on the ears(?) and hands are a nice touch. How many sold/won at the show?
Now I bought another. Ugh. I'll be trading my second Ugly Stardust for anyone else, preferably Hooligan, if I get a dupe.
You've got better odds of getting the Aualox via trade as well if you get a Hooligan. You know where to find me.
View this post on Instagram (i was an "after con" winner...thanks @Fig Belly and @animator and megan...still need to get a good photo of the lonny!)
I got a golden ticket today! It came with this guy... Take a wild guess what the second figure I got today was... Go ahead. Guess. You'll never figure it out. Who wants to trade an Aqualox for a Quiller?!