Really love Keronia, still waiting, fists clenched, on that Yuji sculpt (Pleeeassseeee!!). In the meantime though, my Bearmodel leafman family:
Nice, I didn't even know that you'd bitten on your first one yet let alone 3! I've never seen the copper-toned one before; what's his story?
Not sure, I am just guessing he is a custom (non-official BM release) but outside of that I really don't know, he didn't come with any additional information or description. If anyone out there does recognise him, or knows more info, I'd love to hear it.
Cool version . I always thought there were three or maybe four 'official' releases of the standard size BM Keronia . . . but occasionally i've seen others. Maybe they are festival exclusives?. Yours looks like a custom using this unpainted green release as a base.
Yeah, that is the most likely scenario. The base vinyl is the green, and there was also a blue unpainted from the first release I think. I like that they did the proper yellow eyes on him, and the red mouth is a nice touch. If only I could get a Buta one to match now! Nothing that much new here, since Moog already posted better pics of them, but my lottery Demos pair just arrived. Really cool character from Leo - I am definitely regretting not entering the lotto for the first set, which I prefer.
Finally found the painted Waiell Seijin . . . . a few people said that it was fairly easy to find . . . . i didn't find it that easy. Three times i've ordered it on Mandarake and three times it was already sold out. Fourth time lucky Now i just need to find the green painted and unpainted flesh mini versions! Waiell Seijin by The Moog Image Dump, on Flickr
That is an awesome family. Congrats on finally grabbing the large painted - I almost did it myself! The mini is still one of the best ones I think. I definitely need that guy in a colour version.
Double post-amundo, but theres two BM threads so sue me Lucky Bag Nova Lucky Bag Nova by The Moog Image Dump, on Flickr
Nice one! Glad you got it now, and can check it out in person. As I often don't usually take to unpainted vinyl figs, I have to say that this guy is a clear exception. The vinyl is really amazing on him, and the colour fantastic. I think it is one of the few examples I can think of where I prefer this version to the painted ones.
Yesterday a friend here asked me for a picture of my BearModel Gorosaurus. I set about taking a bunch of shots trying to win the battle between what I could see and what my camera was claiming to be the truth. I think I failed, but after PMing a few snaps to that friend I decided to toss one of the images up in the other BearModel thread anyway. In the spirit of feeding both of the showcase spots I dug out some snaps from the day the toy in question arrived, July 1st, 2011: TMI? IDK! BearModel Bear Gorosaurus Ganime Kamoeba Gezora MechaGodzilla M1Go M1-go M1
Yeah, the vinyl quality is really, really good on this one. I was never that bothered about Nova . . . but when i saw this version i couldn't hit the 'order' button fast enough. I'm a sucker for clear vinyl
that's some top shelf bear model minis! however, i must recommend that you shop for some new martha stewart labels the display needs to match the quality of the toys, don't you think?
there's so much story here. i keep coming back to steal a glance and to make sure they haven't moved while i wasn't looking.
^^^ It's to be expected that they'll move while you're not looking; I'd only suggest you worry if they move while you are looking.
Wow . . . I've never seen those xmas godzilla in a pot before. Lots of fun! I didn't realise Ganime had so many colorways either . . .
To clarify, they are actually in Santa's Christmas bag, 2005 by Toygraph. And yes, they are quite fun! Oh, and hello there Linda!! Always nice to see pics of your collection.
So I thought these were pretty interesting. They are a set of Tsuchinoko snakes, which I guess are a modeled after a type of prize/trick toy commonly made of the cryptid snake monster (ツチノコ or 槌の子). Other than that I don't know much about them, just that I liked them. There is one other paint scheme of these that I have seen (deeper purple with silver spray). The packaging is pretty cool too, I am not sure if Bearmodel did any more from this series of Japanese folklore monsters. Here is a Japanese flyer showing the Tsuchinoko for fun. Larger version here. You might think the toys look a tad weird or playful (which they do), but actually they seem pretty spot-on in terms of matching the artwork of these guys. You can learn some more by googling, they actually seem pretty interesting. Not that large supposedly (50-70cm), but they have very flat, low to the ground but wide bodies - kind of look like a fluke. And they are known to wrap themselves in coils. Anyway, the more you know, right.
Nice report, man! M1 did a very nice standard size of these mythic snakes, but these minis are news to me. Congrats on the score and thanks for the details.