Sucks to be on vacation when things like this drop, but it's always good to have a few things to chase after if you miss them. All part of the fun.
What? No bitching and moaning? Demanding more just so YOU can score? Acting as it's your right to own these? I'm confused.
I'm just being a pre-coffee douche. I was , in a smart ass way, complimenting loco on his positive attitude rather than whining, which has been rampant lately. I DO understand the frustration, we all do, but to be negative does nothing to make things better. Plus we all know what's up with this hobby, sometimes easy, sometimes hard but now I'm repeating myself though. It's jsut all a combo of being lucky and being prepared. Anyway, coffee-in-system and I'm cool now
EXACTLY! If everything was attainable the hobby wouldnt be as fun as it is. The hunt is as good as the catch...
He's on VACATION!!!!! Anyone catch that? Of course he is going to have a positive attitude! I got rock(s) in my cart too. I am extremely curious - not a lot of the regulars saying they got it - WOOT! (I hate that!). Lots of sad little RxH faces. I guess if you scored this (I was after the V3 and the Chaos mini) your to afraid to post it. Oh well - mantra on! "I can't have them all" "I can't have them all"................
Hopefully the collectors who stuck with RxH pre hype machine will be there post hype as well since that's the foundation of any solid line. Risky stuff here though. If RxH alienates the bedrock fans they'll be left with the folks who collect for profits not joy and the house's foundation will be shaky. The folks who see $$$$$$ signs and are buying because of that will move on soon enough if the profits aren't there for them. I personally would never choose a business model that looks to be frustrating a loyal fan base. I'm not sure I'll stick around. When collecting a line stops being fun I stop collecting it. I'm not there yet but too much "no Mutants for you but here's a lucky cat" and we'll see. I knew I'd miss this so its not a shock nor am I upset by it. I just couldn't sit by the computer all day. On the other hand my enthusiasm for RxH was incredibly higher not too long ago.
So you have accuratly detailed the problems faced by RXH but what do you suppose the solution is for the company? or is it even a problem for the company to sort out? Has RXH become a victim of its own success? I personally feel it is a vicious cycle of people buying for profit and to flip that is causing this situation- I think, as unpopular as it is, RXH is more popular now and must expand and must start doing bigger production runs- more to go around takes the flippers out of the equation and provides their fans with the figures- otherwise like Krudler said they risk alienating their hardcore fan base. It seems to me that now RXH are doing more different figures but still in as limited runs as ever- this to me seems a dangerous trend for a few reasons: It pisses of the hardcore that 'must have every release' because they cannot keep up and are not enough to go around. and also they run the risk of burning out, more designs is sooner or later gonna make you run low on ideas and start scraping the bottom of the barrel and its gonna start effecting the quality. I reckon the answer is less releases in bigger quantities. ( obviously only slightly bigger quantities- but I still think that will ease the problem.) But hey this is just my opinion.
I think most serious RxH collectors gave up being complete long ago. I don't think it would be much fun if I could get them all, first I'd be homeless and single and second it would be just buying without the hunt and/or the trade.
I completely agree with fewer releases, keeping this up will not only burn Mori out, but it will burn out the collectors. I don't know about you guys, but I'm pretty much Chaos'd out. As for bigger quantities, there is still a small amount of us. I was speaking to Josh and I think he put it quite nicely that if each figure was produced in runs of 100 they would normally sell out, but if they were produced in runs of 105 there would almost always be 5 left over. And seeing as how there really is no profit for toy producers anyway, I can see why they would choose the former over the latter. As far as I know they have the means for producing more figures (even if they wouldn't sell), at least for overseas collectors, but Mori just won't do it.
I'm not referring to completion so much as having to sit by your computer 24/7 only to miss out on new releases anyway. I was out and couldn't possibly order any of these. When collecting a line feels like a job then its time to move on imho.
I missed this before. I'm not sure I've accurately detailed the problem really its just how it appears to me. If production is upped the folks buying for profit bail and you're left with dead stock. This is assuming the V3 and Rainbow weren't meant to be extremely limited. I seem to remember a couple Chaos' that were sort of pre ordered then produced, thats the only realistic solution that won't result in a frustrated fan base or dead stock from overproduction.
I don't believe the problem is flippers, at least not yet. It's simpler than that. More collectors plus fewer units available directly from S7, not that I know with certainty. Despite my complaint about the flipping on this board, it's not really rampant here or at the auction sites so far as I'm aware. You see maybe three or four recent releases being flipped, generally, not always at the really infuriating prices. I think people really want the toys for themselves and "flippers" are being blamed as a scapegoat. I hope so anyway. The distro network was intended to help people but I'm starting to agree with those saying that if the distro stores don't put the releases online, it's not helping very many people. Just musing "out loud" here ... Ignore me if I'm way off base. Agreed about pre-ordering. If it can be done and if Mori feels that it's not a compromise, it would help.
Pre-ordering- made to order would be great. Everyone is a winner that way. But realistically I dont think it would happen.
I think it did on a Fighting Spirit Chaos and the KT splatter Chaos Man. Maybe I was in a daze though.