not trying to throw anyone under the bus, but how is there one person on one site that rhymes with c-may that had almost all the newest releases even before Super7 or other distros had them... and this is not the first time, initial.Name.Initial has had figures before the public. Anyone know the deal? Not complaining, just curious. I have gotten my fair share of lucky scores on some of the recent releases but it is always a challange and part of the fun/joy of collecting. I am not very vocal about much (anymore) but what I can say is THANK GOD Super7 is not run like "other" stores and RealxHead does NOT produce like "other" companies!
All of the RxH released by S7 yesterday was released in Japan at least a week ago, so it's very possible that other people had it, especially if this person is either located in Japan or has connections to Japan.
ahahah - uh, actually the = me wondering what the hell I missed! I saw one of the mini-chaos but didn't know of what else dropped...then vanished...
I agree with you but this person is said to be located in California... could be getting them from Japan. again, I have no complaint, I was just curious is all.
He spends more time in Japan then Japanese people. He's been in the business a long time and is a really wonderful guy. Has tons of contacts and is pretty much well loved by everyone who knows him. (or at least I've never heard a bad word about him and I've known him over 10 years) edit: If it's who I think you are referring to.
Don't blame the distro network we didn't have enough to send so they were all sold through super7. They were all sold through the site. We didn't even take phone orders yesterday. In fact only 3 units of each figure went to shop employees. What I am trying to say is this release was as fair as we could make it. There just wasn't enough to go around. I feel especially bad about the Oni since we haven't seen one in so long. The good news it we will have more RxH next week so we get to do it all over again!
Thanks for clearing that up. I have seen his sales for a long time and always wondered if he was getting them from constantly going overseas or just had some insane direct connection! I was not saying anything bad, just always wondered.
I was lucky and picked up a V3 on the second wave, when S7 sorted out the double orders. Didn't really try for any of the others, but I am extremely happy to have one of these because it's my first Mutant Evil and I love the old Kamen Riders.
I hope april picks up for my scores. January was awesome but I've missed everything through feb and march (so far). I would realy like to get a mini evil, plus other evils being released, of course.