if we pool our orders together, we: save a lot of money on shipping (we can divvy up in person at a roto event) increase our chances of getting a head sculpt type we want get to have a fun parts swap party! either pm me, or better yet, list your order details here (blank or color, how many of each, head type, etc). once i get everyone's payments, i'll put in the order with kk. if there's enough interest, we can choose ems shipping and still save. time is of the essence, so let's get this going! the group order deadline is 6pm cst. at that time, i will send out the final cost per person along with my paypal info. i will need to receive your payments by 8pm to make sure we get our order in on time. if you need additional time, please notify me ahead of time. a poll has been added to determine the shipping option. update: the shipping option poll is closed. the group overwhelmingly voted for the safety and lovability of ems. as of 4:50pm, all order requests have been received, and payment details have been sent. payments must be received by 8pm. group ordering is now closed.
you've been added to the very bottom of this huuuge list of 1. now 2. just to make sure we have enough time to collate everyone's orders & payments, let's set a deadline of 6pm cst. come on, everybody, let's be socialists and spread the costs for the greater good!
Okay Bill, I'm in as well for a blank. Shoot me a pm with your PayPal info, and I'll send moneys once I get into the office. Glowdy to the maxxx!
You know, this is a great idea... But.. Won't the shipping cost more if this turns into a large order? Also, what happens if he throws a one-off in the mix, as he is prone to do. How do we decide that?
or a late night bike ride through back of the yards... just about as healthy. and i thought we banned tickle fights after the great pee-pee-pants incident. minh still won't look people in the eye...
shipping costs will be distributed evenly (or proportionally) across each person, so mathematically, it can't cost more than buying solo. since the entire order will be shipped to me, no one will know about that one-off if i keep quiet and keep it, right? or i could post it up for you guys to pick a random number to win it rather than get the one you ordered. i'll choose the one that has more potential for controversy and hype and ruckus.
which shipping option? std airmail: (no tracking) ( $8 + n * ( $2 ) ) / n ems: ( $15 + n * ( $2.50 ) ) / n
^ I think EMS is worth it in this case. Or... How about doing the gentleman-y thing and letting the lady of the group get the one-off? Jk... I think picking a name/number out of a hat would be fair. That, or letting Bill get dibs since he was the smart cookie to think up this plan lol.
How would you guys like to do this at a restaurant or get together to do the trade. I'm not going to order any but I think hosting an event would be fun.
it's not like we need an excuse to be all nerdy in public... but you do like to have company while doing it, dontcha' bryan? =p maybe this can be the "glowdy to the maxx dim summit" bill and i have been scheming... look out, chinatown!
^^ I'm definitely up for a CASK x Glowdy swap x restaurant get-together ^ A "glowdy to the maxx dim summit" sounds great! I've never actually had dim sum (at least not that I can remember), but I've heard good things and am eager to try
oh, so you're a girl only when it's conveeeenient, huh? glowdy to the maxx dim summit 2011 coming soon to a chinatown near you! also, bryan, you're not invited. toy buyers and traders only.
Ugh, I'm hemming and hawing about, not sure if I can swing it. I'll hit you guys up later tonight, still 10 hours left I guess.
^ if you get your order in to me by 6pm, ems shipping cost goes down to just $5.50 per person. do it!