shush, andy! we're providing vital economic stimulation... and being international AT THE SAME TIME. we are winners. (and we don't live in iowa.) ah, i must be confusing my saints. you're talking about the place that's right under phoenix? i must be confusing it with st. anna's... as long as there's no yelling in rapid-fire cantonese, i'm fine.
I have never been to any if those places (as far as I can remember), and I'm up for trying new things. So any of those places would work for me. As long as the food is good and there is enough room for us to sit together, that should work. So yeah, count me in, that should make 4. Plus Kirby, that will be 5, or 6 if Whitney goes too
^^ that's right, we're globally responsible citizens, simultaneously supporting local and foreign economies and yes, saint's alp (why isn't it saint alp's?) is the joint right under phoenix. that brand new bahn mi cafe next door looks good, but it's way too small for this rowdy crew. ^ it'll be just kirby. whitney will be there in spirit, rolling her eyes at our nerdery
i'm officially embarrassed by this thread all three options are full fledged restaurants with menus and kitchens and everything. no one's going hungry at this gathering. and it's not as if there aren't literally dozens of other options right around the corner! as for reservations, lure is the only fancy enough place to even accept one. i'll make an executive decision on the location if you guys don't care where we go
I was only joking about the reservation. I'm not going to be driving all the way up to Chicago. Wish I were, but that's unfortunately not a possibility.
^ it was mr fancypants sbbenhcs that wanted his fancypants reservations long before you came along also, i'm awfully bummed that you won't be hand delivering your end of our grody trade. you're missing out! so here we go: 7pm, lure. if they don't have enough seats for us, then we'll move the shindig to saint's alp at that time. if they don't have enough seats, then off to the dungeon food court. or some other place we can fight about in person. any objections? that is all.
well excuuuuuuuuuse me. i'm just trying to save us all some headache. and if all else fails, there's always chi cafe. (michelle piped in with her suggestions last night.)
chi cafe has mainly booth seating for 4, but their "sister" place, tasty city, has a more flexible layout. i'm sure some place will work out snooty.
^ did we miss out on all the heavy buta trading action?! ^^ that's the one, kirby. it's at the southeastern corner of new chinatown on archer, tucked away behind citibank. i'm making a reservation for 9 based on this list: - me - chris + 1 - v - jr - kirby + special guest of the evening - bryan + his pants - jeff jeff, if you bring along your family, i'm sure we can make space for them. last time i was there, it was gothic lolita night, so if you don't want your child exposed to that, call ahead to see if there's a theme set for that evening
no, jeff... the reservation is at 7:00 for nine people. not at 9:00... bill was less than clear in his wording. =p
Yeah, still too late. I was thinking lunchish for some reason but can't make it that late. No big deal though. Life of a pimp, ya know!?