Re: anyone want to go in together for a shooting blanks order? anyone up for a group purchase of grody shooting blanks? we could order up a batch and have another outing for an excruciatingly fun round of "trading"
I'm considering going for 6 Monsters. I think I ONLY like unpainted Grody, there's 3 painted releases I like. I'd like to just get a full set w/heads/bodies so I might be in depending on the vinyl colors to make this happen. MAYBE an Eman too, not sure what I can afford. Plus I'd actually HAVE to crawl out of my den to get them so it's an excuse to leave the house.
i was wondering... you've been more vocal than usual in the old grody thread. =p holy shit boys and girls, we just may have ourselves another event on our hands!
I might be in for a mixed-part Karakuri if we can get 3 or more to mix parts with. I really shouldn't be spending too much money at the moment, but I'm also thinking if getting a clear E-Man and a clear (or mystery color) Monster to make my own Harumph (I really like them, just didn't get a chance to get one). I'm also thinking of putting the Monster head inside of the Harumph's stomach. I hope I'll have enough monies though...