Have any of you used the Slack group messaging app? I figured DCon was the perfect time to try it out as a way to meetup and keep in touch. I created a vinyl toy collector slack group with a dcon section. The purpose would be to keep everyone updated on lottery time, releases, meetups during the 2 days and to chat with other during the event and throughout the year.. Download the app: https://slack.com/downloads Group: vinyltoycollectors.slack.com Password: Artisbeauti4ul You'll see the DCON2016 group once you're logged in. I've never used it before, but I've heard amazing things.. Feel free to join in..
Was hoping everything was going to be lotto and I could sleep in but that RocketBoy at SourLemon says otherwise. Back to 5am in line again.
Yep... glad I wake up early normally, but this is going to be even earlier. Ugh haha. Well I asked for it by wanting to go
lol I wake up early as well and I'm one time zone earlier than CA, my biological clock is totally programmed for early-morning-waiting-in-line mode.
The USC/UCLA game isn't till the evening, so anyone getting into town that morning shouldn't have a problem.
Luckily I'm only staying 2 blocks away. Sheesh I haven't been to Pasadena in years. I just found out that my favorite shop there Folk Tree closed down. Edit: and my favorite Oaxacan restaurant did as well
Don't know why I didn't think of this sooner. Anyone coming to dcon should take some time to check out the Guillermo Del Toro exhibit at LACMA. http://www.lacma.org/
WHAT GIVES ZINE #5!! at D-Con! Pick up the regular or the limited Morbid Edition tomorrow! Morbid Gives Shirts will be available too! I'll be hanging out with the cool kids! "Literally the only cool thing that will be at D-Con" - Larry
Super last minute request, but anyone attending who'd be willing to mule a lucky bag for me would be greatly appreciated!
My lesson is definitely learned. Since I didn't know that this show even existed until very recently I didn't come too prepared and holy shit pretty much all my money was gone by 11am on saturday :/ But I did get the Otus and Fujiin Baltan that I wanted. It's been a blast meeting a lot of folks and talking with them as much as I have been. Back into it! Edit: this weekend was my co-worker's son's 8th birthday. I got him a GID Pollenkaiser that I think he's going to flip his lid over
Congrats, Doug! I'm looking forward to your haul pics, for sure. Is it a HK Baltan that you're talking about? Not really sold on that sculpt yet, but the right app just might do the trick. If I had a time machine, I'd ask that you'd mule a Space Knight Connoll for me!