... and the great weirdness they continue to quietly pump out... But most of all... this new Froggen just rules:
Monstock's made some really cool stuff lately. I still need to get my hands on a lot of their newer toys These are kinda fun. I'd probably only get 1 of each and no more.
Woah! What, when, where, how?!?! Aaaarrrgg! I've been trying to figure out how to get my hands on one of those Yggdradons (dude with mushroom on back)... Did these guys just come out or will they come out soon? The other guys are pretty sweet too, I really like Monstock figs
Love the minis! EtR, I believe they already went on sale, I know they were offered from a agent last Tuesday.
^Thanks kontact Man, missed out again then, huh? Ah well.. Do you guys know how to get these Monstock figures when they come out, or do I basically have to know someone in Japan that would be able to obtain these for me? (Besides looking for sales later on on forums, eBay or YJA) I would love to get some Monstock toys, but have no idea where to even begin to find a retailer.. The google translate pages are difficult to deal with a lot of the time..
Monstock did the yellow exclusive of the Paborasu for Lulubell; it would be great if they worked out a Froggen exclusive...
One of Monstock's new ones... a Semi-Ningenesque number called, uh...... "Zarigani Boys": (zarigani is a species of crayfish endemic to Japan)
Wowowowow! That guy is fantastic, and in my favorite kaiju colors! He's so weird, looks like a man that got merged with the crayfish. I've never bought a Moonstock toy before...
A lot of the photos in here are broken for me.. same for others? I want to see these awesome weird toys! I'd like to see that Froggen guy in animatronic-puppet-from-an-80s-fantasy-kids-movie form.
I got this guy on pre-order. Gray and White edition. Sculpt definitely has a crawfish thing going on.
Not really diggin the Zarigani Boys, but i really like the minis, froggen and Paborasu. I really need me some monstock) Can anybody post some pics of the Ikang dark gray I heard about?
need further info on the stuff in these 2 photos! the only thing i ever have seen of monstock is the fry-guy looking dudes. but these are pure awesomeness (would have preferred the horse and guy with the horse to be unpainted though):
It is a parrot. http://www.atelierpuu.com/%E6%9D%89%E5% ... -paborasu/ http://www.interq.or.jp/yellow/sugiyama ... orasu.html
A couple of those figures are advertising characters, the terracotta soldier (Hani-Maru) and his horse are from NHK TV and the dog (Fueki) is actually a white glue bottle from FUEKI. Here are a couple links; http://www.fueki.co.jp/index.html http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtxOFdkkawM