Anyone else digging the new Tillagon? From pictures, I prefer it to Tyrano Ju and the Cojica Tyranasour.
Loving the paint. Much better than the plain black one I saw recently. Does this guy have feathers, is it fur?
It is a very cool sculpt, thanks for sharing the pic Joe, but I am a bit on the fence about that particular colour scheme I think. I would like to see a few other examples. Monstock has always been incredibly creative though. I am a huge dinosaur fan, but honestly, neither the Ju nor the Cojica attempts really did it for me. As for feathered or furry connection, this guy looks like he is just one step removed from Huk's Diatryma.
Damn that Tillagon is nice! Monstock is very hit and miss for me but this thing is great.. it looks like they don't do international shipping though.
Nope, if you email them. They will refer you to Masato, if you're not on his list. You have to buy from him for Monstock. Being international and collecting Monstock, is tough, I've had some infuriating waits on pre-oreders. 2 years to get my lava Giant Moai Robo. Regardless, I love what I have and have one of the black Tillagon's on the way. I'll share it once it arrives.
Actually etoya's tillagon is totally different from huk's diatryma. Tillagon draws its inspiration from a species of feathered tyranosaurus. Reference from here The sculpting is really fantastic on these guys. Superb job from Monstock and Etoya. I hope the situation maybe improving. I am not considered international but i am also waiting a long time for some stuff. Monstock is a truly indi outfit, always impressed me that they managed to keep up what they love doing without any hype for so many years. I hope they manage to stay afloat. The black tillagon is a great choice, you see the beauty of the sculpting
Hot damn! I've only ever owned a single Monstock toy in my years of collecting (a mini Borugogon painted by Buster Call) but Tillagon looks like a must have... I of course love the crazy colorful palette too.
I have read that Monstock is doing some international market orders which is fantastic. I love a lot of the toys, but they are so difficult to obtain (I have been able to get a handful of sculpts though which I'm happy about). Anyways, does anyone know how this international market works or how it is going to work? Also, had anyone heard anything else about this guy (I.e. when and how to get it)? (I really like this sculpt and was able to get a smaller version a while back.):
The only way to order monstock internationally is from M-world. Expect a mark up. I love Monstock, but the 2 year waits on figures have kept me from continuing to buy their pre-orders. You'll be best checking the normal channels, YJA and Mandarake.
You waited 2 years! That must've been an exception. I've also ordered a few of these Monstock figures through M-World, and only had to wait 3 months. I'm still looking for a Tillagon. I was too late in ordering one, and heared he won't be making anymore of them in the future
Not the exception for me unfortunately, I think there were 1 or 2 figures I received within about 3 months, but about 3 or 4 I waited 1-2 years for. Why did he say he's not making any more Tillagons? I have the thrashout version. It's ok, I prefer many of the other standard size Monstock figures, I think it's a figure that is better is properly posed pictures. It's also a little weight forward and has a hard time standing.
Sucks you had to wait that long. I guess i know the feeling, some other stuff i collect can take forever to finally be finished. The guy from M-World told me some time ago, they won't be releasing any normal painted Tillagons in the future. I'm not sure why... I still would really like to find a painted Tillagon. I just love how goofy it looks
Ok, thanks. I have gotten one of my figured from Mandarake. I was just hoping that they would start releasing some figures to the US when I saw them use the words "International Market." Do you know what they mean by "international market" then? When I checked out Monstock's blog, I saw a couple of figures labeled for international market.
Glad to see this thread get some attention again - and totally great to see an appearance by the wolf girl - but more picture pr0n, please!
I love monstock toys. I got one of them. Its so aztec like. It did hurt my credit card though. Oh well.. live collecting .
Would love to own one of these but the prices are absurd. There's been talk off Monstocks affordable prices and non hype but mworld charges an arm and leg for these and I've yet to see them on yja. It's such a great toy.
how much is m-world charging? The retail is actually quite expensive for some of the recent releases.
There's a Monstock piece on Medicom next month - maybe this dino-bird guy will turn up there in the next few months? M-World prices are something like 40000 or 50000 yen
Medicom sozanco release preorder price is 32400... M world price is 39400. Still a hefty fee for just reselling it!
We are talking about the Tillagon M-World price here. The sozanco price hike isn't as much because it's an open pre-order through Medicom.